COURSE DESCRIPTION Yoga Therapist Certification Course (YTCC) is a complete and systematic yoga course that teaches therapeutic yoga applications for various ailments to help ourselves as well as others improve on specific health conditions. It is composed of an 80 hour training programme (Approved by Ministry of Education,Malaysia) and provides thorough theoretical and practical sessions [...]
WORKSHOP DESCRIPTION The Yoga Asana BackBend Series Workshop teaches us how to improve our backbend poses, and encourages us to ‘open’ our heart. Backbend poses can be physically challenging to some of us as they are the opposite action of our common daily activities such as texting, driving, and sitting in front of the computers. [...]
WORKSHOP DESCRIPTION The Yoga Asana Handstand & Core Activation Series Workshop teaches us all the essentials and fundamentals of Handstand including the basic foundation such as warm-up activities for the wrists, shoulder opening poses, core strengthening exercises, proper body postures and balance, the correct and safe ways to enter and exit the Handstand, and finally, [...]