Life becomes more positive with Kundalini Kriya Yoga. I was always searching for happiness and love from the outside which is only temporary but Kundalini Kriya Yoga practice totally changed me.
The benefits are beyond words. Ultimately it brings us to a heightened state of liberation which leads to a life full of peace, love & harmony.
After Kriya, the mind is so focused, one-pointed and clear that it practically attracts all the good/right things to me. I realize that things get done faster and smoother.
My journey as a Kundalini Kriya Yoga practitioner has transformed me to be a more patient and disciplined person. Kundalini Kriya Yoga is a soul saver. Thank you.
Self Mastery has taught me to be centered and calm in life’s unfolding drama… makes me the creator of my life experinces. I learnt it, I use it and now I am … Free !
I have also attained better control of my emotions and became less irritable to any changes in my surrounding. Also a great boost to my level of creativity.
Self Mastery classes are taught with great care and personalized. Family and friends find me completely transformed, 90% more cheerful and positive! Practicing regularly has helped me become a top performer in my career as well as social life.