Classically described as a disease of starvation in the midst of plenty, people with Diabetes Mellitus have lack of or unknown resistance towards insulin, the principal hormone responsible for driving sugar from the blood into the cells maintaining a healthy sugar gradient in the blood stream. Insulin is produced in the pancreas; lack of which promotes excessive sugar accumulation in the circulation. As a result, many symptoms such as excessive urination, uncontrolled sugar cravings, excessive thirst, fruity odor of breath and fluctuations of sugar level results.
Uncontrolled sugar levels for a prolonged period leads to many complications such as heart attack, blindness, kidney failure, infected wounds, and easy fatigability just to name a few. Poorly managed diabetes yields in compromised quality of life giving rise to fear and anxiety in sufferers thinking of the impending complications. In Malaysia, the number of diabetics has been tolled up at 3.3 million in 2015 and continues to increase at an alarming rate. It is important we act now to take control of our sugar level.