Motivation with Balance through Ayurveda
- January 22, 2019
- Posted by: admin
- Category: Ayur Yoga,

By Jessica.S
We all experience ebbs and flows in life. Sometimes we feel motivated, sometimes we don’t. Some mornings we wake up energised to get to work and power through that to-do list and at other times we smack the alarm clock, curse the morning and give ourselves an extra five minutes of sleep. But identifying the “why” behind the actions you perform can make finding the motivation to do them easier on the days you’re feeling less-than-inspired. Whether you’re dragging yourself to do yoga or fighting the mental battle against procrastination at work, making a mental shift to reconnect to your source of motivation can give you the boost to get it done.
According to Ayurveda, an ancient system of wellness, the forces and principles found in nature also exist in humans. Ayurveda outlines three fundamental energies (doshas) that govern the outer environment and influence one’s physical and mental constitution: Vata, Pitta and Kapha.

Vata is made of “Wind (air)” and is responsible for movement. It is dry, rough, cold, mobile and subtle.

Pitta is made of “Fire” and governs digestion and transformation. It is oily, sharp, hot, penetrating, liquid and spreading.

Kapha is made of “Water” and provides structure and stability. It is heavy, slow, thick, smooth, stable and sticky.
Each dosha governs various seasons, bodily systems and times of day, and each is associated with various qualities. The doshas perform crucial functions in the physical body as well as crucial tasks in nature. They present their qualities during certain times of day, seasons of the year and manifest in the changing seasons of life.
The three doshas express themselves in our physical, mental and emotional proclivities.
When any one of the doshas is aggravated and provoked, each of them tends to cause a specific range of imbalances that can manifest either in the physical body or in the more subtle realms. As a result, Vata, Pitta and Kapha, each, have a particular flavour of influence on the mind, emotions and overall consciousness, and each of them can either support or undermine our overall health.
When Vata is out of balance, it can cause rapid changes in mood, fear, anxiety, excessive speed in thoughts and words, and a sense of loneliness or isolation. When Kapha is out of balance, we can get stuck in apathy and general laziness or lack of desire. When Pitta is out of balance, one can be impatient and angry with themselves or others.
Ayur Treatments that Help
Ayurveda recommends following Ayur treatments to further reduce excessive doshas. If you have symptoms of dosha imbalance, you will find that these Ayur treatments will help to keep them in control.
Abhyanga Snanam
Abhyanga is all about the oil. Warm sesame oil is rubbed on the body thoroughly and gently. It is nourishing, pacifies the doshas, relieves fatigue, pleasure and perfect sleep, enhances the complexion and the luster of the skin, promotes relaxation and calms the busy Vata mind.

Shirodhara is the process of pouring warm oil over the forehead in a continuous stream. The oil creates gentle pressure and vibration on the third eye chakra, the energy center that is connected to intuition. Shirodhara can help relieve symptoms of anxiety, stress, fatigue and hypertension. It relieves tension, worry, fear and headache as well as depression. It regulates mood and gives feelings of pleasure and relaxation. It is perfect for balancing Vata.

Swedana is the process of inducing sweat with the help of herbal steam to release toxins from the body through the skin. The treatment usually lasts up to 20 minutes. Abyhanga Snanam followed by Swedana will have similar effect. It is an especially good treatment to balance the Vata and Kapha doshas in the body.

Herbs that Keep the Body in Balance

Ashwagandha reduces stress, and consequently, increases vitality and endurance, lower oxidative stress and enhances energy.

Triphala is revered for its unique ability to gently cleanse and detoxify the digestive tract while replenishing, nourishing and rejuvenating the tissues. It encourages balanced Agni throughout the system, helps to eliminate Ama (toxins), and is a general tonic for good health.
Doshas Balance - Healthy & Motivated
Wellbeing, according to Ayurveda, is a delicate balance between the body, mind, spirit and environment. When the doshas are balanced, we are healthy and motivated. It takes both times and focused attention to re-pattern the mind, and daily practice is one of the best ways to ensure your success. If you are serious about transforming your lack of motivation, choose at least one of the following practices and commit to doing it on a daily basis!